Editorial Features
Editorial features deal primarily with the design, construction, maintenance and operations of facilities. Articles should be concise and informative, presenting a solution to a problem without being company- or product-specific. For more information, please download our editorial guidelines.
Suggested Length: 1,000 to 1,200 words (for print consideration); 600 to 800 words (for web consideration)
We are always looking for new products and services to feature in our regular Hot Products section. All submitted products should be relevant to our readers. Please see the product guidelines for specific information.
Suggested Length: 100 to 200 words

People in the News
The People in the News section includes updates on new hires, promotions, management changes and other personnel news that would be of interest to our readers. For more information, please download our People in the News submission guidelines.
Suggested Length: 200 to 300 words
Photos are required for all submissions. Files should be submitted through our FTP site, Dropbox or via e-mail in a JPEG, EPS or TIFF format. All photos must be at least 300 DPI in resolution, at least 1MB and 800 X 445 pixels/inch. Please include captions and specify who should receive photo credit for the image. We prefer to receive documents electronically, via e-mail, in Microsoft Word. Be sure to include complete contact information with your submission.

Send Materials to:
Correctional News: cn@emlenmedia.com
School Construction News: scn@emlenmedia.com
Green Building News: gbn@emlenmedia.com
Healthcare Construction+Operations News: hco@emlenmedia.com